Sabtu, 1 Disember 2012

My Page - Silat.TV

My Page - Silat.TV

Everybody is searching for ways to improve their life. It doesn’t matter who you are. While others refuse and do not bother to even give a glance look at the truth that was standing in front of their eyes all along. In the end when life become harder the make a lousy choice to end their life.
According to world suicide statistic ( refer : ) there are ;
1.Over one million people die by suicide worldwide each year. 2.The global suicide rate is 16 per 100,000 population.
3.On average, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds somewhere in the world.
4.Global suicide rates have increased 60% in the past 45 years.
The reason for such tragedy may vary from one another but we can definitely make a conclusion that people at some point fail to make a wise decision due to not knowing how to channel their emotional baggage .

Amazingly cases like this are rarely found in Islamic community and if there is such cases the percentage are rather smaller. I am not being bias but the statement are true and I will tell you next, why exactly this is happen . The reason for this situation is the teaching itself . all religion teaches people to practice good moral value. But how does this apply to challenges in life? Some one might ask If religion does not provide tools of how to live life then what is the main purpose ?
Today, about 2.3% of the world's population describes itself as atheist.
The only way to create a better life is to constantly improving your relationship with God. In Islam the term Sufism means harmonizing relationship between human being and God.
According to the word Sufism (Arabic: ??????) ta?awwuf,(Persian: ???? ???) also spelled as tasavvuf and tasavvof according to the Persian pronunciation, is generally understood to be the inner, mystical dimension of Islam.[1][2][3] A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a ??f? (???????), though some adherents of the tradition reserve this term only for those practitioners who have attained the goals of the Sufi tradition.

Classical Sufi scholars have defined Sufism as "a science whose objective is the reparation of the heart and turning it away from all else but God."[4] Alternatively, in the words of the renowned Darqawi Sufi teacher Ahmad ibn Ajiba, "a science through which one can know how to travel into the presence of the Divine, purify one’s inner self from filth, and beautify it with a variety of praiseworthy traits."[5]
Although gaining spiritual power are not the main goal for Sufism scholar most of them will get the ability to perform many types of mysticism when others striving in years ofmeditation. Some people are destined by God to see miracles in front of their eyes while others going in circle and at the end choose not to believe in any concept of mysticism.
For those who still in search for this type of knowledge perhaps should start their searching in the eastern country such as Malaysia or Indonesia instead of just buyingbooks and make their own conclusion. You will not be able to achieve your goals just by making their own assumptions.
There are over 350,000 student of Persatuan Seni Silat Gayong Maarifat Malaysia ( an association of Malay traditional martial arts ) had successfully applied what is known as Ilmu Tenaga Rohaniah ( Spiritual Energy ). Imagine if you could perform Karate, Judo, Taekwondo, Kung Fu , Silat and other types of martial art that ever existed by justlearning Ilmu Tenaga Rohaniah ( Spiritual Energy ). This might sounded somewhat unbelievable to some skeptic. People from across the world came to Malaysia just to meet the Grandmaster, Dr. Azam Zulkifli Al-Qadiri to learn the knowledge.
Although the main foundation of Ilmu Tenaga Rohaniah ( Spiritual Energy ) is Islam and Sufism, the Grandmaster also teach other religion follower as well without any intention of converting them to Islam.

There are limitless benefit of learning Ilmu Tenaga Rohaniah ( Spiritual Energy ), your sixth sense may be increased to an extent you have the ability to sense if there dangers ahead , auto protection which by means the ability to disable attack coming from behind, telepathy, not injured by the sharp weapon, because your are protected by layer of energy that its coating your entire body. Ability to cure diseases physical and psychologically, telekinesis, magnetism and 1001 others.
Watch the video for demo by student of Persatuan Seni Silat Gayong Maarifat Malaysia
The Grandmaster,Dr. Azam Zulkifli Al-Qadiri offer full money back guaranty if you are not in any way succeed in learning Ilmu Tenaga Rohaniah ( Spiritual Energy ).

1-3 jam sahaja permainan Adirasa(laduni)boleh bersilat dengan segera.boleh bermain senjata dengan cantik.pukulan jarak jauh ,pendinding diri,pukulan pembisa,kreatif dan serbaguna.Tidak luka sebarang senjata.
Mustahil ,Mustahil ,Mustahil
Tiada yang mustahil disisi ALLAH
Tidak mengunakan jin ,tangkal,seru dll pekara khurafat
Boleh dibuktikan dimana sahaja!
 rm 300 sahaja

hubungi wakil wakil khalifah  0129877986  - 24 jam
sedia menerima anda sebagai murid .
Ilmu yang kami warisi ini adalah warisan Ilmu daripada wali /pendekar zaman silam dari Tanah Melayu,Sumatera dan Jawa Tengah.Jika Datok laksamana Hang Tuah,Datok Bahaman,Panglima Mat Salleh boleh hebat dalam pertempuran kerana ilmu masing masing kenapa tidak kita?
Mereka insan kita juga insan dari kejadian yang sama, yang penting belajar rahsianya,tahulah kita.Jangan merasa dengki atau hairan, kalau orang lain boleh bersilat secara tiba tiba dan memiliki berbagai kelebihan dalam alam kependekaran.Jangan suka menuduh ,mengata orang tak betul,Cermin diri dulu secara mendalam Tengok kerangka anda besar atau kecil,tahu dimana anda dan apa cara kesudahan hidup anda nanti! Baiki diri sendiri baru baiki orang lain.Wallahualam........
Tujuan kami hanyalah untuk mendidik anak bangsa supaya mengenali,mengamalkan Ilmu dan rahsia pendekar tua ..Kami tidak handal dan yang hebat cuma Allah S.W.T.Kami mengamalkam ilmu TAUHID & bertawakal kepada Allah S.W.T. berusaha dengan ilmu kependekaran Melayu untuk menyelamatkan diri jika diceroboh atau diserang.Ilmu kami tidak guna tangkal ,jin dan lain lain benda tahyul yang menyesatkan.Tidak percaya,silalah datang berjumpa kami untuk dibuktikan segala apa yang diperkatakan.Kalau Nurul Syuhada pengacara Majalah 3 boleh berjumpa kami di Kelantan dengan sekali call sahaja,apatah lagi anda...!
Sebagai Pendekar Melayu yang bermaruah tidak sekali-kali bermain dengan kata kata atau tulisan,apa yang dikata itulah yang dikota.Sebagai pendekar Melayu kami berpegang kepada prinsip berani kerana benar,takut kerana salah,dimana bumi dipijak disitulah langit dijunjung.Taat kepada Allah S.W.T dan Rasul,Raja serta tunduk kepada pemerintah.Adat bersendikan syarak kami hayati,Itulah tatacara hidup kami pendekar Melayu

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